Sunday, November 10, 2013

Features of Romanticism

Features of Romantic, Gothic, and Satiric Writing (starting points): Romanticism (Burch, Kim, Clark, Balkcom) 1. Individualism * Self-revelation * Poet as a visionary/ the importance of spiritual autobiography (e.g. The overture, Tintern Abbey) * Romantic spoken languagethe verbalizer closely connected to the poets own eff 2. Celebration of Childhood * innocence as a integrity * Rebellion against the role of reason in the Enlightenment; non-directive (Rousseauist) ideas nigh education 3. Imagination * The life of imagination was more historical to [Blake] than the material world (Keynes 11). * Imagination as a comminuted authority (which permitted freedom from classical notions of form in art). ( : on the materialization of form, see STC on Organic form 4.         estrus > Reason * Wordsworth oral overflow of powerful feelings. * Coleridgecomposing poetry involves the psychological contraries of dearest and of will, of spontaneous impulse and of voluntary purpose. (Abrams 9). 5. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
         temper * Nature corresponds to an inner or spiritual world * personification of nature * Man exists in a verbalise of drive out from nature and must return (Romantic tourism, ecology) 6. Infinite lust: Our destiny, our beings heart and home, Is with infinitude, and only there; With consent it is, expect! that can never die, Effort, and expectation, and desire, And something evermore about to be. WW. (The Prelude 6. 604-08) * roadless desires * Insatiable appetites [pic] Gothic Conventions (Kraus, Womack, Jones, Callaway, Bland)   I. The supernatural a. The supernatural: Any person, object, or event that cannot be explained according to natural laws. b. The explained supernatural: When people, objects, or events...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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